Thursday, January 12, 2012

Fleeting Magic

After reading The Tempest some may perceive Miranda and Ferdinand's relationship to be magical. But those who have learned the truth know their magic is fleeting.

Our discussion opened my mind as to what my view on magic is? Here is what I found
Definition from Bing
In this definition it highlights one thing I learned.  Anyone can have magic, all you need is a specialized knowledge that the person you are interacting with doesn't have. Each person in the world has some specialty that can fall into this category. Think of all the many times you yourself have been amazed by something. But when you figure it out the magic goes away...


  1. Isn't that always a sad part of life when the mystery behind the mysterious is suddenly gone?

  2. It is sad, but also nice when you have worked for something so long and finally understand. The worst is when you realize you wasted a lot of time trying to understand it when it was really simple.

  3. But then when you know the why behind the question, you have more knowledge. Knowledge is power, or magic rather.
